

Wizard Family

The Sorcerer


The Sorcerer

It looks like magic, because it kind of is. The Sorcerer uses the prolific power of its mind in combination with math, science and technology (and perhaps a dose of the dark arts) to dazzle the imagination, to alter, and even transform reality. These days they live in Silicon Valley but you will also find them on Wall Street, or any other category that is new or very hard to understand. But they also have a home in the home, with solutions that work so powerfully and effortlessly that it feels like magic. Sorcerers are catalysts for change who have a near mystical ability to defy the limits of space and time (after all, we do call them “unicorns”), but perhaps their greatest gift is the ability to bring out our own childlike sense of awe and wonder.

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. Arthur C. Clarke

To transform reality and make the future


Limitations of reality

Skills & Traits

Adaptable, Mysterious, Fantastical, Innovative, Futuristic


Merlin, Dr. Strange, The Wizard of Oz, Alan Greenspan, Wayne Gretzky, Silicon Valley ‘Unicorns’, Elon Musk, Walter White, Disney, Mr. Clean (Magic Eraser), Polysporin

