

Outlaw Family

The Rogue


The Rogue

The Rogue isn’t trying to defy society’s expectations. Or break the rules. They simply don’t care. The Rogue lives by their own code. They know who they are, what they want, and the path they will take to get there; they are the fullest expression of free will. If the rules get in their way, they will circumvent or eliminate them. In storytelling, these are the swash-buckling lone wolves, the anti-heroes, the pirates who don’t fit society’s mold and wouldn’t have it any other way. In our modern world, they are the entrepreneurs and innovators who set their own course because they’re wired that way, but in the process, might just accidentally change the world.

I did it my way. Frank Sinatra

To do it their way


The death of free will, a path (or algorithm) chosen for you and enforced by others

Skills & Traits

Independent, Self-sufficient, Free/Untamed, Savvy, Some Swagger


Han Solo, Clint Eastwood in Man with No Name, Hunter S Thomson, Robin Hood, Jack Sparrow, Oakland Raiders, Jaguar, Harley Davidson, Apple “Here’s to the Crazy ones”

