

Outlaw Family

The Rebel


The Rebel

The Rebel is all about protecting and expressing their individuality. They are almost unavoidably at odds with authority because individuality is messy and a threat to their status quo. A perennial teenager, the classic “rules are meant to be broken” line applies most to them because the rules are an instrument of oppression—especially of anyone who’s different (the anomalies, the misfits, the “glitches”). If necessary, they will lead the rebellion, not to insert a new set of rules in place of the old, but to defend everyone’s right to be an individual.

To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment. Ralph Waldo Emerson

To champion individuality in a sea of conformity (and protect the glitches)


Conformity (“The man”)

Skills & Traits

Individualistic, Anti-establishment, Youthful, Feisty, Edgy/Sassy


James Dean, Madonna, Dennis Rodman, Sid Vicious (Sex Pistols), Vanellope (“Glitch”) from Wreck it Ralph, Dr. Pepper, Diesel Jeans, ‘Keep Austin Weird’, Pepsi (long ago)

