

Explorer Family

The Adventurer


The Adventurer

The Adventurer knows that life begins at the end of their comfort zone. So no lying around on the beach vacations for them. They are on a quest to experience everything, and enjoy everything, life has to offer. And in the process, to test their limits – physically and mentally. Their drug of choice is adrenaline and their activities are extreme (and they form a tribe around others like them). They’re the ones who inspire you to try that weird food, roll the dice, kiss the boy. Because these dare-devils, fortune-seekers, and gamblers know life is better on the edge, and we are capable of more than we think.

Because it’s there. George Mallory

To take us on an adventure that tests our limits


The comfort zone, staying safe and insulated, afraid to try new things, accepting perceived limits

Skills & Traits

Daring, Outdoorsy, Thrilling, Rugged, Adventurous


Sir Edmund Hillary, Huck Finn, Lara Croft, Indiana Jones, Red Bull (Jump from Space), Jeep, GoPro, Garmin, Amex, Roller Coasters Parks

