

Chief Family

The Shepherd


The Shepherd

The Shepherd is a wise and caring leader of their flock.  Their “flock” starts with their own family, but it extends to their community, their country and to humanity itself. They must establish a just and equitable society that enables their flock to flourish and this begins with order and security – be it inside the home, or outside in the world. The Shepherd must balance the need to protect with the need to set firm guidelines for behaviour. They set the example for others to follow, provide mentorship, and sit in judgment of the laws (that they create). They are dictators but hopefully benevolent, just, and gentle ones who create a prosperous society for all.

The Shepherd always tries to persuade the sheep that their interests and his own are the same. Stendhal

To protect and guide the flock


Chaos and vulnerability

Skills & Traits

Protective, Vigilant, Just, Trustworthy, Responsible


Lincoln, Zeus, TV Dads, Franklin D Roosevelt, Moses, CNN, Fedex, All-state

