

Ally Family

The Helper


The Helper

The Helper is a servant and a “pleaser”, but not a subordinate. They are natural allies, but not because of mushy sentimentality. It’s about utility and alignment of self-interest. You need a job done and the Helper does it – to perfection. And it’s not for the money; it’s for the pride and because they are just wired to want to put your world in order. This is why your happiness is their pleasure. The Helper’s “product” is your success, productivity and happiness, and they will tirelessly organize your world to enable it. In the past they were the household staff of the aristocracy, and today they work at the finest hotels, restaurants, as executive assistants (both on and offline) and in other roles that enable you to be at your absolute best. 

The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others. Ghandi

To serve with distinction


Your displeasure

Skills & Traits

Organized, Helpful, Humble, Efficient, Attentive


Staff from Downton Abbey, Alfred (Batman), Tinkerbell, Grand Budapest Hotel, British Airways, Ritz Carlton, LinkedIn

