

Ally Family

The Friend


The Friend

The Friend is the ultimate ally. They will do anything for you, no questions asked. And they’ll connect you to a community that does the same. Their faithfulness and shared values are why you trust them enough to confide your innermost thoughts. But your natural chemistry is why you have so much fun together. Your Friend also knows how to kick you in the backside when you need it—sometimes acting as your conscience, steering you towards what you know is right. This naturally makes them excellent sidekicks—a role that doesn’t get the respect it deserves. Ask any hero and they will tell you they couldn’t have done it without them. The difference is the Friend is happy to shun the limelight and stand behind you. Because your friendship is their reward.

The most I can do for my friend is simply to be his friend. I have no wealth to bestow on him. If he knows I am happy in loving him, he will want no other reward. Is not friendship divine in this? Thoreau

To connect community and foster belonging (and have your back)



Skills & Traits

Loyal, Social, Supportive, Easy-going, Genuine/Down-to-earth


Samwise Gamgee, Scottie Pippen, Robin (Batman), Jiminy Cricket, Toy Story (esp Woody), Spiderman, Facebook, Twitter, Got Milk

