

Lover Family

The Idol


The Idol

Symbolized by the ancient pantheons of the gods and today’s movie stars, supermodels and sex symbols, the idol is worshipped because they represent a model of perfection – youthful, beautiful, glamorous.  But their true quest is for immortality itself.  (This is why they need our worship.)  The idol loves beauty in all its forms, because beauty has the power to nourish and restore our spirits, even to turn back the hands of time. This is also why the Idol is beauty’s foremost expert. For, contrary to what some will tell you, beauty is not in the eye of the beholder. It is an ideal unto itself, with its own natural laws, ratios and structures.  The Idol has the skills to create spaces that offer not just pleasure, but balance and aesthetic harmony between ourselves and our environment.  But their greatest power is to give all us mortals something to strive towards. 

Some thoughts always find us young, and keep us so. Such a thought is the love of the universal and eternal beauty. Ralph Waldo Emerson

To be beautiful.


Ugliness and decay

Skills & Traits

Glamorous, Sophisticated, Beautiful, Stylish, Graceful


Aphrodite, Cleopatra, Marilyn Monroe, Anna Wintour, The Fountain of Youth, Zen gardens, Tiffany’s, Olay, Chanel, Peleton, Ayrton Senna

